When using the subscription support service, Inex Group operator will check out the item you want for you. Use of the service is free of charge. To use the service you have to pay the cost of the item, in the same currency it is sold, from your "wallet".
- Log in and go to your personal account and click on the "Support for online shopping" page
- Click on "Make new enquiry"
- Fill in the data of the item to be subscribed (it is necessary to fill in the data correctly and download the exact link of the selected item)
- Submit an application
- You will be automatically taken to the order page, where in a few minutes you will receive information from the operator about the value of the item, delivery to the warehouse, subscription fee and the total amount required for sending the item.
- In case of consent, top up your “wallet” and pay from the "wallet" on your page.

How to fill the wallet?
Contact Intelexpress offices
- Bring your ID card and enter your room number (IG) when filling out the "wallet"
- The amount in the "wallet" should be deposited in the currency in which the item should be checked out.
- Contact us as soon as you transfer the money: [email protected] or(+995 32) 249 26 26 (ext.118)
See the addresses of Intelexpress offices
Pop up the balance on the “wallet” from Kiosks of the Bank of Georgia
● Choose to deposit money into the account
● Account number: GE10BG0000000661667700
● Purpose: "Transfer of money for sale of national currency" in Georgian: "თანხის ჩარიცხვა ეროვნული ვალუტის გაყიდვის გზით";
● Deposit the amount only in USD, EUR or GBP.
Transfer the amount to Inex Group bank account from bank or online
- To deposit the money it is necessary to go to the Bank of Georgia (except for express branches) or transfer money from internet banking.;
- Details:
Bank of Georgia
Account number: GE10BG0000000661667700
Purpose: "Transfer of money for sale of national currency" in Georgian: "თანხის ჩარიცხვა ეროვნული ვალუტის გაყიდვის გზით";
- It is necessary to deposit money in the "wallet" in the currency in which the item should be checked out;
- Contact us as soon as you transfer the money: [email protected] or(+995 32) 249 26 26 (ext.118)